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Analysis of An Article

The first assignment of the semester was a short analysis of an article of my choosing. Using the Rhetorical Key Term information sheet provided, I needed to identify/comment upon all 8 key terms in my article: Author, Audience, Purpose, Stance, Tone, Language, Genre, and Medium. I decided to use the poem  Preludes by T.S. Eliot. This piece of writing vividly displays emphasis on how psychologically depleted individuals are living in solitude of modern urban life. It’s intended purpose is to portray modernism through the illustration of a dark and dismal depiction of urban lifestyle, and the deterioration of human nature. It depicts a distinctive perspective of our world, as it reveals the underlying truth of the society we are a part of. While, it also unfolds a plethora of hardships that many individuals are unable to speak about.


As I started analyzing the poem, I explained each key term with a few sentences. For instance, I wrote about the author, what their position is, where they come from, and also included any information that I needed to glean about their history and biases, etc. When discussing Language and Tone I needed to provide an example from the text to illustrate my point. If I thought that the language or word choices are “odd” or “good” I needed to show exactly where and why. Furthermore, for the tone I needed to provide a quote that represents the tone of my choosing. While writing this piece I used bullet points several small sentences with thorough and clear details. 

Link to Analysis of An Article (Google Doc) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hxljgKXLUxuHXb-9uBV_GuofHqijDr5nuQxjfjifPxQ/edit