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Modern Object

The “Modern Object” paper was an overview of describing in detail a specific object, and exactly why and how it contributes to and reflects modern life. In my personal judgement, examining and researching a modern object was indeed a fascinating and phenomenal experience. Describing and analyzing its distinctive functions and historical background, as well as connecting this object to our experiences and the way it has created a difference in our lives, were all concepts I genuinely adored writing about. Associating our objects with modernism broadened my understanding of modern culture while also enhancing my understanding as to how objects have evolved throughout history.

Within the completion of this paper, the intended purpose of this assignment was to describe in detail—its history, function, parts, applications—and reflect on what makes the object modern. I could’ve chose any object I wanted regardless of its date of production, size, supposed importance, etc. The description was supposed to be thorough and rooted in my own experience drawing in both my relationship to the object and its broader function in the modern world. In my essay I used images and other visual references to illustrate in detail the evolution of the object. While describing my object, I also had to consider my audience for this piece as someone who has never seen or heard of or used this object before, also being able to connect and reflect the concept of modernity.

Link to Final Modern Object Paper (Google Doc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rkBjQCKhSjzoeb2QLKhXKy-hoSxF7RiXooqsRp4Hx1w/edit