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Home: Personal Narrative Essay

The “Modern Home” paper, a personal narrative, was an overview of presenting a perspective on the notion of home. I explored the psychological, sociological, practical, and environmental components of the modern house, as well as my own personal connection to the term as a contemporary individual. Throughout the completion of writing this paper, I considered the distinctive effects that residing in a modern home has had on me. Along with how modernity influences my “home,” both physically and symbolically, and how my home embodies, mirrors, and reinforces modernity principles. Thinking about the concept of home, I immediately thought about my piano and the experiences I have encountered to why I considered this object as my “home”. I personally had an incredible experience while completing this paper, it was a topic that provided me a lot of joy and comfort.

When writing this narrative piece, I needed to think about the influence that living in a modern home has had on me, personally. And how my own home is shaped by modernity, literally and otherwise. As well as the way my home encapsulate, reflect, and perpetuate concepts of modernity. Furthermore I also had to consider the pieces I have read and ideas that were shared during class. I had to make sure I used specific, detail-laden moments in my work to allow this abstract and changeable concept to be understood through my unique perspective. This essay needed to be structured around an experience I had there, or that I continue to have. 

The piano is my home
Feedback and Improvements:

When I completed my first draft, my professor provided me wonderful and very helpful feedback. He suggested that in my descriptions about my topic, I should not generalize, or make my writing too broad. I should be keeping the focus on me and my specific notions of home. For example, if home can be anything, than it is nothing in particular. This piece should be concerned with most of all my relationship to the concept (the one that exists behind the organization and construction of every structure). In my first draft, I actually used many abstracts. Instead, I needed to try and locate concrete words. Actual items, people, places, and moments that could translate these ideas through my experience. With the amazing feedback I received from my professor, I was able to complete my paper efficiently, checking off all needed requirements and expectations. 

Link to Final Personal Narrative Essay (Google Doc) :  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V3CJ4HSXBirjQFYnL3MLAJcyC52oz80hsStgls9USDw/edit

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