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As the semester comes to a close, I’d want to express my gratitude for the lovely and incredible experience I had in this class. From the first to the very last lecture. I recall being really bewildered when I initially read the course syllabus, because I literally had no clue what I was getting myself into. In my perspective, I knew very little about architecture and the modern world. However, after four months of taking this course, I don’t regret a single moment. I learned so many captivating facts and knowledge about our nation, the reasons why writing is so significant, and most importantly, I learned more about myself as a student and as an individual. Due to this class, everyday I fall more in love with writing. Aside from playing the piano, it actually became one of my hobbies lol. Throughout the completion of the assignments, the feedback given to me by my professors was immensely helpful. This course has given me the opportunity to amplify my intelligence and develop my skills in writing, which will benefit my future studies immensely.

Composing literature has confirmed so many things while be part this course. Writing allows me to express myself and express what I’ve discovered. Isn’t that the point of life? The gratification you have, once you can communicate and share with others?  Writing has restored my love of studying. There is no time limit and no stress. Just me understanding about exciting and fascinating topics and then presenting what I’ve learned with anybody who wants to peruse my writing. Upon the completion of the modern object essay, I learned to show clarity and thoroughness in my writing while also connecting it to the articulation of modernity. In the personal narrative, I had to bring the reader into my experience. In the composition in 2 Genres assignment, I had an opportunity to show my creative attributes, which helped me convey a single idea of my choosing, rooted in the themes of the topic section. And finally, the inquiry essay allowed me to discover more about curiosities following my own inquiring mind, and finding new ideas, questions, and possibilities along the way. All these different pieces helped me become more creative, it made me think, discover, do research, and it also brought me joy. Though there were moments were I experienced some difficulties, I did my best to fulfill the criteria and apply the different ideas shared in class discussions.

As I close this reflection, I’d want to express my gratitude to my professor and all of my instructors who were able to provide me with guidance during the semester. I am grateful for all of the readings that have helped me improve my comprehension and analytical abilities. I am also thankful for the discussion forums in which I was able to participate. These discussion boards gave me the opportunity to share my ideas and thoughts with my peers, which was something I greatly valued as a student. Even though I couldn’t see my peers in person, I still cherished the times when we would gather in breakout rooms to discuss the topic/reading of the day. As a freshman, this course was very memorable, and it is an experience I will always hold  close to heart.

Modern Metropolis ~ Inquiry Essay

The Inquiry essay presented various ideas, evidence, and statistics about the evolution of New York City from novels, articles, and websites, then interpreted into my own writing exploring and discovering my curiosities and questions. For this research paper, the goal was to discover the evolution of  New York City throughout the 19th and 21st century. For this assignment, I wanted to focus my research paper on the evolution of New York City, from the emergence of its towering skyline to the spreading bounds of suburban sprawl. Before I writing my research question, I wanted my topic to revolve around the idea of the city’s evolution, its geography, architecture, as well as its physical and social dynamics. Furthermore, I also wanted to integrate the advancements and development to broader political, financial, sociological, and cultural developments in the early 20th century. From all these different ideas, my research question came to be. My research question is:  In what ways has architecture, physical and social dynamics, and economic challenges influence New York City’s evolution from the 19th to the 21st century?

The goal for the research paper was to formulate a research question that addresses some aspect of the modern city. If I wanted I could’ve identified a problem and seek a means to improve it. If I had any curiosities or doubts about some aspect of metropolitan life, I could have also incorporated these ideas in my piece. The idea of this assignment is not to decide on a position and argue it, or to persuade the reader, but instead follow my own inquiring mind, and discover new ideas, questions, and possibilities along the way. This essay needed to critically engage, and build on, the course readings and I also needed to introduce additional outside texts from my own research. 

Link for the Inquiry Essay: The Modern Metropolis(Google Doc) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/16s8-LEcxAKqdxokFn6pz8FmtWPUckaG51COmgTn0jWk/edit

Journal Entries

Wowzers first month of college classes (September)

Overall september wasn’t too too bad. I didn’t really expect college classes to be so freeing. But the only thing I can complain about is my schedule, which is a bit too chaotic it is definitely all over the place. Managing school and work is not easy at all, but it is something that I need to get used to. My mental health has been okay, which is something I am really proud about. Because if I am being very honest, the only thing that has been keeping me sane is the gym. But it’s still super hard trying to focus on my mental health, school, and work all at the same time. But I am not giving up anytime soon. I honestly can’t wait for Halloween(:

Spooky Season (October)

It’s getting pretty chilly outside and it actually feels so nice and peaceful (personally I prefer the summer). Workload has definitely been increasing, and not too long ago I was indeed stressing out about a paper for my psychology class haha. To be very honest it is a bummer that I haven’t been on campus, because honestly it feels like I am in high school all over again. Overall school hasn’t been too bad. The only problem I would say again, is work for sure. But anyways, Halloween was a few days ago and I ate so muchhh candy and sweets. I work at a elementary school, so my coworker and I decided to do a mini party for the kids. We also did our very own hunted house in the auditorium which was super duper exciting, and the kids really loved it. Some kids even cried hahaha. That day I ate like 4 cupcakes and 3 slices of cheesecake, and let me tell you I do not regret a single bite. This month I also went out to restaurant with my close friend who came back from college,  and we had such amazing time. Overall October was greatttttt((:

Turkey Turkey Turkey, Gobble Gobble (November)

It is currently November 25th, Thanksgiving day, and wowwww I have big news: my belly is very very big. My dad side of the family decided to do a family reunion in New Jersey, so we each brought different dishes of food. Today was indeed a blast, especially because I was able to see my cousin after such a long time. Aside from today, my mental health hasn’t been the best lately. I been lacking motivation and haven’t gone to the gym in weeks. My sleeping schedule is all over the place, and I also have been distancing myself from my friends. I been trying my best to pull myself together, but its hard to get back up after everything. School and work have been extremely stressful, meaning that I barely have time for myself. I also been procrastinating really badly but I’m trying my hardest to stop these bad habits. The only good news that I have for this month is that next week, I am going to travel to Aruba, yayyyyyyy!!!

HO HO HO, Christmas is almost here (December)

It is currently December and I’m preparing for finals week. I am really nervous for my finals because I still need to study and I have so many assignments due. I am doing okay at the moment, just really stressed out and trying my best to keep myself together. It is almost the end of the semester and I am honestly pretty sad because I genuinely love this class and I didn’t want it to end. This is probably going to be my last journal entry but I wanted to write for a little bit and say that I am really proud of myself. These past few months haven’t been easy, but I did it(: Even though my professors won’t see this haha, I want to give a big big thankyou to all of them for taking their time to help me and guide me through the correct path. Bye Bye journal I’ll see you soon 

Composition in 2 Genres

The composition and 2 genres assignment was indeed spectacular I will say. Not only did I have academic freedom to do something I truly enjoyed, but throughout this outstanding experience I was able to learn so much new & captivating knowledge that intrigued my very own interests. Throughout the completion of this assignment I had to be able to explore genre and how to identify it, navigate it, understand it, and utilize it as a benefit as authors and makers of knowledge. This project required a proposal and two compositions which could of been taken in many forms. I needed to discuss my process in choosing each of the genres, and I also needed to address the requirements and limitations those genres dictate, and why I believe these two methods were the best choices for conveying my ideas to my specific audience. I provided my work virtually, through links, photographs, and a video.

Genre #1 (Photographs) : These photographs were taken while I was roaming through Downtown Manhattan, and others were taken while was walking around my neighborhood.

For this assignment I decided to illustrate a specific aspect of city life that I would like to represent through photographs and music. I decided to address  poverty in New York City. This is something that is seen everywhere throughout the five boroughs, but from personal experience, I encountered it the most in the lower area of Manhattan (Downtown New York). All through my life I have encountered thousands of individuals learning to conduct street performances for some income, and there is even others who make a living from collecting plastic bottles. Many New York citizens  sleep on sidewalks and subway platforms because they don’t have a place to live, which I believe is critical to bring to light. Personally, I chose to dedicate a piano cover made by Ludovico Einaudi, which, in my viewpoint, depicts the concerns that surround our city. 

Link to Composition in 2 Genres rationale (Google Doc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h1tAYCLVRZfgx86ywVXDhyEq8PXCSG5y3OhmCL-_m60/edit

Home: Personal Narrative Essay

The “Modern Home” paper, a personal narrative, was an overview of presenting a perspective on the notion of home. I explored the psychological, sociological, practical, and environmental components of the modern house, as well as my own personal connection to the term as a contemporary individual. Throughout the completion of writing this paper, I considered the distinctive effects that residing in a modern home has had on me. Along with how modernity influences my “home,” both physically and symbolically, and how my home embodies, mirrors, and reinforces modernity principles. Thinking about the concept of home, I immediately thought about my piano and the experiences I have encountered to why I considered this object as my “home”. I personally had an incredible experience while completing this paper, it was a topic that provided me a lot of joy and comfort.

When writing this narrative piece, I needed to think about the influence that living in a modern home has had on me, personally. And how my own home is shaped by modernity, literally and otherwise. As well as the way my home encapsulate, reflect, and perpetuate concepts of modernity. Furthermore I also had to consider the pieces I have read and ideas that were shared during class. I had to make sure I used specific, detail-laden moments in my work to allow this abstract and changeable concept to be understood through my unique perspective. This essay needed to be structured around an experience I had there, or that I continue to have. 

The piano is my home
Feedback and Improvements:

When I completed my first draft, my professor provided me wonderful and very helpful feedback. He suggested that in my descriptions about my topic, I should not generalize, or make my writing too broad. I should be keeping the focus on me and my specific notions of home. For example, if home can be anything, than it is nothing in particular. This piece should be concerned with most of all my relationship to the concept (the one that exists behind the organization and construction of every structure). In my first draft, I actually used many abstracts. Instead, I needed to try and locate concrete words. Actual items, people, places, and moments that could translate these ideas through my experience. With the amazing feedback I received from my professor, I was able to complete my paper efficiently, checking off all needed requirements and expectations. 

Link to Final Personal Narrative Essay (Google Doc) :  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V3CJ4HSXBirjQFYnL3MLAJcyC52oz80hsStgls9USDw/edit

Analysis of An Article

The first assignment of the semester was a short analysis of an article of my choosing. Using the Rhetorical Key Term information sheet provided, I needed to identify/comment upon all 8 key terms in my article: Author, Audience, Purpose, Stance, Tone, Language, Genre, and Medium. I decided to use the poem  Preludes by T.S. Eliot. This piece of writing vividly displays emphasis on how psychologically depleted individuals are living in solitude of modern urban life. It’s intended purpose is to portray modernism through the illustration of a dark and dismal depiction of urban lifestyle, and the deterioration of human nature. It depicts a distinctive perspective of our world, as it reveals the underlying truth of the society we are a part of. While, it also unfolds a plethora of hardships that many individuals are unable to speak about.


As I started analyzing the poem, I explained each key term with a few sentences. For instance, I wrote about the author, what their position is, where they come from, and also included any information that I needed to glean about their history and biases, etc. When discussing Language and Tone I needed to provide an example from the text to illustrate my point. If I thought that the language or word choices are “odd” or “good” I needed to show exactly where and why. Furthermore, for the tone I needed to provide a quote that represents the tone of my choosing. While writing this piece I used bullet points several small sentences with thorough and clear details. 

Link to Analysis of An Article (Google Doc) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hxljgKXLUxuHXb-9uBV_GuofHqijDr5nuQxjfjifPxQ/edit

Modern Object

The “Modern Object” paper was an overview of describing in detail a specific object, and exactly why and how it contributes to and reflects modern life. In my personal judgement, examining and researching a modern object was indeed a fascinating and phenomenal experience. Describing and analyzing its distinctive functions and historical background, as well as connecting this object to our experiences and the way it has created a difference in our lives, were all concepts I genuinely adored writing about. Associating our objects with modernism broadened my understanding of modern culture while also enhancing my understanding as to how objects have evolved throughout history.

Within the completion of this paper, the intended purpose of this assignment was to describe in detail—its history, function, parts, applications—and reflect on what makes the object modern. I could’ve chose any object I wanted regardless of its date of production, size, supposed importance, etc. The description was supposed to be thorough and rooted in my own experience drawing in both my relationship to the object and its broader function in the modern world. In my essay I used images and other visual references to illustrate in detail the evolution of the object. While describing my object, I also had to consider my audience for this piece as someone who has never seen or heard of or used this object before, also being able to connect and reflect the concept of modernity.

Link to Final Modern Object Paper (Google Doc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rkBjQCKhSjzoeb2QLKhXKy-hoSxF7RiXooqsRp4Hx1w/edit